Saturday, March 10, 2007

ads: Baby Math e-book, Introductory price only $3

Hi,Please visit our Third Edition of

It was newly designed with new and practical topics that will help your child.We are excited with the new format because of it new features.Please visit it and try our Sample Baby Math E-book.

The soft copy of Baby Math is $17 at Borders Bangor.Now you can get an e-copy for only $3 less than a cost of a hamburgeror an expresso coffee.My goal in Baby Math is to give your child a huge advantage in schoolso they can finish PHd.Gracias, Merci, Tsi Tsi Ni,

Salamat, Thanks,

Dr. Leo

Here are some of the comments of parents who have used Baby Math:

I have been using the techniques on BABY MATH of two of my childrenfor a few years now. My three year old loves numbers and can evenwrite 1 – 10 because we have made fun games for her. She and her twoyear old sister particularly love the simple flash cards we made andbring them out nearly everyday. They call it their "practice" time andwhen we are done reviewing these cards they run through the housecounting other objects like toys, cups, chairs, etc. I know thatmaking these numbers fun for them has given them both this interest.We are now starting to count with our new baby boy and sisters evenlove to get involved with that. The book and the techniques used in itwill be in our family for us to use for years as our children grow.

Sarah H.

*I think parents need to put effort and work into helping to developtheir children's potential to the fullest. Dr. Leo's Baby Math givesthe average parent tools they can use to ensure that their childrenare getting the best start in life.Using some of Dr. Leo's ideas, we have seen our youngest son'sinteractions with us and other adults blossom, he seems more alertthat other babies his age, and seems to always want more.Thanks to Dr. Leo for giving Parents a way to interact with their children that will benefit them in their school years and beyond.


**The one plus one on the fingers really helps Caleb. He is 2 and cancount to ten.


**My 18 month old Baby Girl Jillian has been learning to count bycounting her food like peas or corn. She is doing great. I believe shecounts up to 15. It's working great. (Dad referring to the Baby Mathbook.)


**Well written. Interesting. Good teaching ideas. Dr. Leo has very goodideas and teaching techniques that seem to work very well with achilds development. Thank you for the wonderful way you share thesewith your patients and their parents and grandparents.

From a grandparent

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