Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Officials of the Department of Agrarian Reform from the Central Office will lead in the launching ceremonies of the Makato Maunlad Agrarian Reform Community on January 12, 2007 at the Makato Municipal Hall, Makato, Aklan. Expected to arrive are Undersecretary Gerundio S. Madueno , Assistant Secretary Kashmir B. Leyretana, Dir. Hugo Yonzon III and party of the DAR Central Office.

Atty. Daniel Y. Martelino, Aklan Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer announced that the active coordination of the local government of Makato through Mayor Ramon Legaspi, Jr. and the other stakeholders will facilitate the holistic development of this ARC. The program will start with the opening remarks of the Vice Mayor Hon. Nelson Tapuz, the ARC profile will be presented by Mrs. Elma I. Daguno – MARO Makato. The unveiling of the marker by the guests from DAR Central Office. Mayor Legaspi will state the ARC investment requirements of the ARC and expected to present their responses are Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores, Governor Carlito S. Marquez, and Director Alexis Arsenal of the DAR Region 6.

Development initiatives to the ARC comes from the DAR-ADB-ARCP assistance through various infrastructure facilities, agri-development projects, institutional capabilities as well as environmental and GAD related interventions. The Phil.-Australia Technical Support on Agrarian Reform & Rural Development (PATSARRD) facilitated the ARC Development Plan as a blueprint for the provision of necessary investments in the ARC where LGU Makato is integrating in their annual plans.

The Makato Maunlad ARC was originally launched in 1995. It initially covered the barangay of Agbalogo and later expanded to eight barangays. Today, Makato Maunlad ARC covers the entire municipality of Makato. Presently in Aklan, there are 14 agrarian reform communities in the entire province covering 88 barangays.

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