Thursday, March 1, 2007


Beverly Tropa
Kalibo, Aklan – The Aklan Provincial Government under the leadership of incumbent pro-active Governor Carlito S. Marquez, through the Aklan Provincial Population Office (AKPPO), headed by its Provincial Population Officer, Mr. Arturo P. Teodosio, Jr. convened the officers, members of the Board of Directors, and Adviser of the Aklan Movement for Responsible Parenthood (AMRP) for a Consultative Meeting cum Workshop on February 21, 2007 at the Aklan Comprehensive Center for Women, Kalibo, Aklan.

The AMRP is an organization, which is composed of representatives from the national/local government agencies, non-government organizations, religious sector, academe, and civil society. Its vision statement is: “We envision upright, productive and civic minded Aklanon parents in an environment founded on love and respect”. Its mission statement is: “To build and develop responsible Aklanon parents”. In partnership with the Provincial Government, the AMRP has been originally envisioned as a an umbrella organization tasked to spearhead the promotion of sustainable Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Natural Family Planning in Aklan.

Being the front liner in the implementation of President Gloria M. Arroyo’s directives on Responsible Parenthood and Natural Family Planning Program in the Province, the AKPPO believes that with the AMRP’s vision/mission, this organization should not die a natural death but should be reactivated.

All the AMRP officers attended the meeting with enthusiasm. They renewed their commitments and consequently, got fresh mandates as elected officers of the Movement during their reorganizational meeting. The set of officers are as follows: President - Mr. Josue Maravilla of LGU Numancia; Executive Vice President – Vice Mayor Jean T. Velarde of New Washington; Vice President-East – Mrs. Erlinda S. Belayro; Vice President-West – Vice Mayor Gene T. Fuentes of Tangalan; Secretary – Mrs. Nilda B. Garcia of the Regional Science High School of Aklan; Treasurer – Mrs. Brenda Marte of LGU Numancia; Asst. Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Erenita T. Labor of the Inter-Faith Academy; Auditor - SB Member Medialyn Barcelona of LGU Altavas; and PIO/PRO - Mr. Edwin Ramos of the PIA.

The members of the Board of Directors are the following: Vice Mayor Manuel Sualog of LGU Buruanga; SB Member Casimero Iledan of LGU Malinao; Dr. Concepcion P. Constantino of the Regional Science High School of Aklan; Rev. Hope Sodusta of Glad Tidings Fellowship; Mrs. Lilia C. Refendor of the Catholic Women’s League; Engr. Jimmy Quimpo of TESDA; Engr. Rogelio dela Cruz of KAMUSELA (Kalibo Multi-Sectoral Leaders Association; Mrs. Luzviminda S. Luces of DRSTMH; Mrs. Aida Abayon of DEPED; and Ms. Giselle Mari Matias of the SK

Another major concurrence during the meeting was the approved motion to include all the Vice Mayors of the 17 towns of Aklan as members of the Board of Directors of the AMRP so as to gain the support of the Local Government Units.

Through a PowerPoint Presentation, Mr. Arturo P. Teodosio, Jr., Provincial Population Officer (PPO), oriented the group on the Responsible Parenting Movement. He briefly discussed its legal bases such as the Memorandum from the Office of the President re Promotion of Responsible Parenthood; the Philippine Population Policy (Art. XV, Sec. 3.1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution; Draft Message of PGMA (Philippine Responsible Parenthood Program Directional Plan 2005-2010); Program Strategies; and the Role of Local Government Units.

In addition, the PPO stated that as per PGMA’s directive, the RPM must go down to the grassroots level thru the organization of RPM Teams. Hence, for the Provincial RPM Team, the Team Leader will be the Department of Health, with the PPO, PSWDO, MAO, Provincial Nutrition Action Officer, NGO and religious sector as members. Likewise, a Municipal RPM Team will be organized in the 17 towns of Aklan with similar compositions and this will go down to the barangay level, forming the barangay RPM Team.

Among others, one of the major agenda of the meeting was the review of the AMRP Strategic Plan vis-à-vis RPM Implementing Guidelines, handled by Mr. Josue Maravilla, AMRP President. Through this, the AMRP could well integrate the RPM Guidelines with their new plans.

With the scheduled Training of Trainers on Responsible Parenting Movement and Natural Family Planning on March 5-9, 2007 in Iloilo City sponsored by the Department of Health and the Regional Population Office 6, the AMRP will have another meeting to take a big leap in empowering Aklanon families.

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